Sunday, January 15, 2006

I started this blog to chronicle some of the people that I have met while perfecting my craft of Bail Enforcement. It has been a long and storied quest for knowledge, and turned out to be a life of dicotomies. It is profitable yet costly, frightening yet boring, intriguing yet redundant.

I believe that this is a limited profession and as the laws change state by state, will soon be extinct. Since I feel that there are alot of unsung heroes, that the world may never know, there is a need to chronicle their respective parts in history. There are a small number of nationally recognized Bail Enforcement Agents, while the greater number enjoy local notoriety.

My name is Scott MacLean, I am a Licensed Private Investigator, Professional Bail Bondsmen (Property and Surety), Bail Enforcement Agent, Educator, Public Speaker, Entrepeneur, Husband and Father. I enjoy working, racing and most of all, the hunting of a human being.
Due to the nature of my business, I will not go into family details, but will admit that all of my children have made bail re-arrests by their 15th birthdays.

My businesses are in Maryland and Virginia, yet my investigations have taken me Nationwide. Our team has accumulated over 1600 fugitive recoveries in 31 States, year to date. Our strangest statistic is re-arresting a husband and wife, on both sides of the country, during the same weekend, for two different Bondsmen. When one of my investigators was falsly bragging to a new investigator that he held the office record for the most re-arrests in one day, I corrected him and then went out and made the 5 re-arrests that he claimed to have made. In my travels, I have heard that bail agents have affected many more re-arrests in one day. While I don't dispute their statistics, we are limited by the amount of time required to surrender an individual at the local county jail, often times surpassing 6 hours.


At May 03, 2018, Blogger Unknown said...

It's really a great thing that you have nationwide client's to handle which means you have a great knowledge and on international level. As a bail bond agent it's big achievement.


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