Sunday, February 12, 2006

PBUS represents us...NOT!

When I was starting out in this business, one of the best networking venues was the open forum on the PBUS website. It was all good until a very heated argument and untoward actions by a female Private Investigator whose name I don't recall and a character named Rick Gurley. Their "discussions" resulted in PBUS shutting down the forum. No complaint here, it was a logical step due to unprofessional activity and discussions.

My issue with the organization was their anti-bail enforcement stance. They publicly stated that they did not condone bail enforcement and saw no need for the activity. I assume that they were sucking up to the insurance companies as that was their main source of revenue.

Insurance companies are the ones that get sued when bail enforcement activities, or poor excuses for them, go awry. They want to remain arms length, stating we didn't hire them, the bail bondsman did. They are independent contractors, we don't tell them how to run their businesses, why are we responsible? Further, we only receive a small portion of the revenue collected by the bondsman, why do the lawyers come after us? Right or wrong that is their position.

I would not join their organization, and by their severely declining roles, I was not alone. I am a Professional Bondsman as well as an Insurance Bondsman, but my life's passion is Bail Enforcement. I was offended by their position against bail enforcement and am fully aware of the necessity for our services.

I joined their organization this year out of respect and a request from the insurance company that I write under. I will not renew my membership.

PBUS has continued to dishonor the fine and laudable work of Professional Bail Enforcement Agents and Bondsmen and women that respect their craft. They work quietly and covertly, with out mullets and vests, without a badge around their necks in public, without attracting attention.

What is PBUS's response to the men and women that have pride in their work product? They invite the media hound to their convention, an internationally wanted fugitive. What makes it worse is that they advertise it on their website and inform their membership that they can get their picture taken with him..What the hell are they thinking?

An organization is representative of their membership, therefore, I can no longer be a member.


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