Sunday, July 16, 2006

My siblings, my heroes

The profession that I have chosen has given me the opportunity to see people from all stations in life. Some come from some pretty sad conditions. I have come to the conclusion that were are all disfunctional-functional in one way or another. How one comes to grips with this reality and deals with it or succumbs to it is what defines us.

My family has a bond that I am very proud of. My baby brother just turned 40. That means we are all older than we care to admit. His loving wife organized a surprise party to celebrate him, and all of his sisters and I flew to Texas with our spouses. His party highlight was a DVD created by a friend, commissioned by his wife, that reflected his life, family and friends to date.

I am very proud of this kid and what he has become. He is a loving father and trusted friend to many. As an observer, I was able to witness too many accolades and acts of love to recall here. I also saw more beer consumed than I ever witnessed while experiencing college fraternity life.
It is true, that everything is bigger in Texas!

I am in a reflective mood as a result of what I witnessed. I have always been driven to succeed, and as a result am a work-a-holic. I have spoiled my wife and children for two reasons. The first is to make up to them in some way for not always being there for them, due to working. The second is somewhat selfish, in that it makes me feel good to provide them with luxuries that were foreign to me. At times I may have created my own monsters, but I will accept that over
the alternative of having failed as a provider.

We are all older and I am happy to know that one of the tenants taught ad nauseum by my father has taken root; that of "You kids are all that you have, now and forever".

He was right.